Important Updates
Starting from Release 2.7.0 the minimum required Java LTS version for Controller, Agent and JOC Cockpit is Java 17.
Starting from Release 2.5.0 the minimum required Java LTS version for JOC Cockpit is Java 11. Controller and Agents continue to work with Java LTS releases 1.8 and later.
Starting from Release 2.0.0 the JobScheduler is rebranded to JS7 JobScheduler. JS7 is the next generation Open Source JobScheduler, designed for performance, resilience and security. Check out the JS7 architecture and features.
Starting from release 1.13.1 the JOC Cockpit includes the functionality of the JOE Job Editor and of the XML Editor. Therefore JOE and XML Editor are no longer required.
Release Notes
Downloads are provided
- for public maintenance releases available to all users within one year after general availability of a release.
- for LTS maintenance releases available to subscribers of Long Term Support for three years after the Last Public Maintenance Release date until the end of life of a release. Download of LTS releases requires authentication, get in contact to for access to LTS maintenance releases.
For details on the Product Life Cycle see How long will you support the different versions of JobScheduler and YADE?
JS7 JobScheduler Maintenance Release 2.7.3
JS7 JobScheduler Last Maintenance Release 2.6.7
JS7 JobScheduler Long Term Support Maintenance Release 2.5.11
JS7 JobScheduler Last Public Maintenance Release 2.5.8
JS7 JobScheduler JOC Cockpit (required to manage JS7 Controller)
JS7 JobScheduler Controller
JS7 JobScheduler Universal Agent
JS7 JobScheduler JOC Cockpit (required to manage JS7 Controller)
JS7 JobScheduler Controller
JS7 JobScheduler Universal Agent
JS7 JobScheduler JOC Cockpit (required to manage JS7 Controller)
JS7 JobScheduler Controller
JS7 JobScheduler Universal Agent
JS7 JobScheduler JOC Cockpit (required to manage JS7 Controller)
JS7 JobScheduler Controller
JS7 JobScheduler Universal Agent
Utility, Code and Archives
XML Editor
These downloads contain all files required for the XML Editor.
Github Source Code
JobScheduler and YADE Managed File Transfer.
Binary Artifacts
JobScheduler binaries from the Maven Central repository.
Release Archive
JobScheduler and YADE release archive
Refer jobScheduler documentation for more information about JobScheduler
The XML Editor can be used for JobScheduler XML configuration
XML EditorSource Code is available from
Build InstructionsBinary artifacts for the JobScheduler Engine are available from Maven Central
How to integrate JobScheduler from a binary repositoryPast JobScheduler and YADE releases can be downloaded from our Release Archive
Find Release Notes for past releases.The list of documentation is available with our jobscheduler
JobScheduler Documentation