Shell Scripts
JS7 Agents run executable files and shell scripts on Windows and Unix. Jobs can pass variables to a shell script and from the shell script back to the workflow. In this way values can be transferred from one job step of a workflow to the next job or to all subsequent jobs.
Error detection is performed by checking the exit code of the script and by checking output to the stderr channel.
Scripting Languages
Jobs can be implemented in any scripting language including JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PowerShell etc. Similar to shell scripts such jobs receive environment variables and return workflow variables for use with subsequent jobs in a workflow.
Scripting languages require an interpreter to be installed with the machine a JS7 Agent is operated for.
JITL Job Templates
The JS7 ships with a number of JITL Job Templates that are implemented as Java classes. The templates can be used for implementation of jobs performing SSH agentless scheduling, for file operations, sending and receiving mail etc.